Recurrent Miscarriage

The facts about recurrent pregnancy loss

Unfortunately, miscarriages are a common occurrence, with one in four to five pregnancies ending before week 12 for women under the age of 30. This is often a very sad and traumatic experience and having people to support you will help you get through this time.

Following a miscarriage, it is important to determine if there is anything that can be done to prevent future miscarriage. Many women will experience at least one miscarriage, with most going on to have a healthy baby, so keeping positive about conception is very important.

A small percentage of couples will experience more than one miscarriage. About 2% of women experience three or more consecutive early pregnancy losses. This is called recurrent miscarriage or recurrent pregnancy loss.

What causes a miscarriage? 

Some of the causes of miscarriage include:

  • Random chromosome abnormalities,
  • Specific genetic abnormalities
  • Parental chromosome abnormalities
  • Uterine abnormalities
  • Immune disorders
  • Hormone imbalances
  • Other medical conditions

Age is also an important factor – the 20% miscarriage rate up to age 30 increases to 33-60% from age 40-46. If you are experiencing recurrent miscarriage, we will arrange all the relevant investigations to determine if anything can be done to prevent future miscarriages.

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